Sent on a Mission
Missions Emphasis 2022
Rev. Dr. Robert Lim preached the sermon “Sent on a Mission”
Over our Missions Emphasis Weekend, 26 and 27 February 2022, the church was reminded of the mission Jesus has sent us on (John 20:21). We were inspired and challenged by a message from Rev. Dr. Robert Lim, Founding Pastor of Evangel family Church in Singapre and also the Founding Chairman of the “Jireh Evangel Church Planting Philippines (JECPP)”
Missions Pastor Steven Kum presenting an opportunity to Calvarites to be partners in missions
We were reminded of the many ways we can fulfil God’s mission. Through the Missions arm of Calvary Church, we have the opportunity to fulfil His Commission to declare the Good News by supporting missionaries and workers, facilitating training and equipping those called to the harvest field, meeting social needs through community projects promoting education and health, and responding with financial aid in times of natural disasters, amongst others.
Your participation as Faith Promise Partner enables us to support those uniquely called by God to fulfil His will in specific places as “we give them the tools to finish the job”.
Faith Promise Cards
Praise the Lord. From June 2021 to February 2022, Missions we were able to fulfil all the commitments we made (click here for a recap). In 2022, we desire for every Calvarite to be involved with Missions by embracing the challenge to pray, give and either personally go or enabling others to go proclaim His Name.
We thank God for the response of the kids as our Children’s Pastor, Richard Yun, shared a Missions’ challenge.
Calvarites prayed for the emphasis of Missions on Wednesday, 23 February 2022
The world today, as Rev. Lim stressed, is in far greater need of the Gospel than ever before. We thank God that in all circumstances, He keeps opening doors, calls and sends us on His Mission. In 2022, let us step out in faith to follow Him; let us trust in His promise that for those who give, it will be given back to them in full measure (Luke 6:38) and, let us say, “Here am I. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)
If you would like to get involved in Missions, write to us at [email protected] or call us at 03 8999 5532 (Ext. 407). Find out more about our 2022 projects listed here.