The Joy of Belonging
Family Day 2023
On 28 September 2023, over 350 of us Calvarites gathered, each one accessorised with different coloured scarves. This glorious Thursday morning was very meaningful, as it was our inaugural Family Day at the Calvary Convention Centre (CCC).
Well before sunrise, more than 20 working committee members led by Associate Pastor Raymond Yong and organizing chairman Wong Yih Mun met at CCC to put on finishing touches, making sure the event would go without a hitch.
At precisely 7:45am, our ever-radiant Interim Senior Pastor Petrina Guneratnam warmly welcomed the assembled Calvarites and kicked off Family Day 2023 with a prayer of blessing. Ministerial staff, Darren Yong, then led everyone in praise and worship, followed by a vigorous warm-up session led by Young Adults Life Group Leader, Ivan Yun.
Thoroughly warmed up, the participants gathered into their respective teams – Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow – at the covered plaza, before crossing over on foot to the Bukit Jalil Park for the Walk ’n Snap contest.
A veritable army of young and young-at-heart Calvarites (there were a few prams and even a wheelchair) marched with gusto around the verdant park, with its scattered ponds, on a mission. Covering approximately 2.85km of undulating walking paths, the teams had to gather for team photographs at three pre-determined ‘Instagram-able’ checkpoints. The photos submitted were nothing short of creative masterpieces!
Our photo warriors returned to CCC and promptly proceeded to the Multipurpose Banquet Hall. The sight that greeted them was that of triangular flags arrayed across the ceiling, chairs stacked high and as tall as a man, and floors demarcated into sections by masking tape. Competing teams separated into four zones to prepare for the contest, and what a contest it turned out to be!
Cheered on by teammates, Calvarites’ highly competitive colours were on full display! It is worth noting however, despite how everyone was gunning for the win, the love of Christ was also very much evident as all participants were incredibly careful to be fair and kind to each other – this was Family Day after all. The eight-game contest proceeded with fun and frenzied clockwork, culminating in a Grand Telematch!
Upon the conclusion of the games, everyone assembled at the covered plaza for announcements and awarding of prizes. The Yellow Team, led ably (and aptly) by Deacon Wong Horr Wai and his assistant Lam Kah Meng, with team Executive Pastor Jim Guneratnam came out on top!
What followed was a sumptuous lunch for all! All participants received a generous goodie bag of sponsored items like body care products, canned drinks, biscuits, pastry, and three vouchers.
The sight of Calvarites united together in fun and games reminded us of the reason for organising this event. Psalm 133:1 (NLT) says, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” and it was evident to all that Family Day 2023 was a wonderful demonstration of Christian fellowship, as the event theme suggests “The Joy of Belonging” in this body of Christ, and a rousing success.