Calvary Youth Camp 2022
On 12 to 15 December 2022, 151 youths participated in the Calvary Youth Camp. The aim of the camp was to provide an avenue for young people to seek God, find belonging, and be inspired to represent Christ, hence the theme “Represent”.
Our day started as we gathered at Calvary Convention Centre before departing to our camp venue, Grand Kampar Hotel, in Perak. The committee made the atmosphere warm, greeting everyone with a smile as well as distributing welcome packs. Soon after, the campers were already busy mingling with their new friends, many thrilled over their first ever Youth Camp experience!
Briefing before departure
Ushers welcomed the campers as they arrived
Camp rules briefed by Camp Coordinator, Lydia Soong
We had the delight of hearing Associate Pastor David Seah share an inspiring message with us on being youths with a vision, conviction, and mission on the first night. One of our campers, Hadley Fernandez, said,
“I especially enjoyed the message on the first night because I felt that it made me more aware of my purpose as a Christian. In the past, I lived a life where I just went with the flow of things. God wasn’t the first person I’d run to for answers even when faced with challenges. When I responded to the altar call, I knew that God was telling me to take that step in putting Him first and to live a more purposeful life under His guidance.” |
Associate Pastor David Seah sharing the Word on the first night
Youths being prayed for at the altar
Throughout camp, we had daily morning devotions shared by Calvary Youth Coordinators, Andrew Yem and Victoria Choi, and Calvary Tweens Coordinator, Chelsea Chin followed by our daytime inspirational sessions.
Campers spent time together at the main activity area
During the afternoon periods, our Games and Recreation Team prepared an array of activities to engage our campers including station games, sports, and costume making. The campers worked together in their respective team and were determined to be the overall winning team for camp! Organic friendships were formed despite the competitive nature of our game line-up.
The young people having fun in games, sports, and costume making activities
Associate Pastor Steven Kum enlightened us on the second day by sharing about the Bario Revival that took place in the 1970s. He also shared a personal story on how he accepted Christ as a youth and his experience when he visited Calvary Church for the first time when his friends invited him. Ever since he made that first step, he was forever changed and is most grateful that God transformed him inside out. Camper Petrina Hng added,
“It was during the video preaching and brief sharing about the Bario Revival that I suddenly felt in awe and wonder of God. It was like my soul was stirred up and touched by God. I couldn't help but ask God for that same revival in my life and my community.” |
Inspirational Session by Associate Pastor Steven Kum
On our final night, we had the privilege of hearing from our own Calvary Youth and Young Adults Ministry Pastor, Pastor Michael Loon, about how God has worked through his life in every season. He urged us to put our faith and trust completely in God to be the author of our life’s story. Pastor Michael quoted, “We either become part of His story or become history” and assured us that “God will never give His children second best.”
Inspirational Session led by Pastor Michael Loon
Our night sessions were filled immensely with Spirit-led worship, heartfelt messages, and powerful prayer. Many campers testified they felt God’s touch and presence empowering them. At least 35 campers were baptised in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time! We also had 16 who accepted Christ or rededicated their lives to Him, and 17 who responded to God’s call to full time ministry. Another camper, Wesley Lim testified,
“On the first day I was weary, but I continued to have experienced God and felt transformed as the days went by - I prayed in tongues for the first time, was delivered of traumas, and was freed of a pain hindering my faith. The path in front of me became clearer. At the end of camp, I was filled with an immense fear of backsliding, but I felt God reassuring me that He would never leave me.” |
The campers engaged in worship
Encouragement wall for campers to write notes to one another
We praise God for His protection as everyone was kept in good health all throughout camp. It was such a fruitful time for all the youths present at camp, an encounter with God that has left and impact on their lives.
Following up from camp, the winning teams were treated with a barbeque party where they fellowshipped with icebreakers, food, as well as roasting marshmallows! Apart from that, a post-camp discipleship course, “Reps Assemble” was formed, to guide those who responded at the altar at camp for salvation and rededication.
Words cannot express how tremendously thankful we are for the Represent camp and for the tireless efforts of the committee and helpers in seeing the camp come to past!